
Clone Cloud Store Logo

Clone Cloud Store

This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.

If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website: .

Clone Cloud Store (CCS) allows to simplify access to Cloud Storage for major services such as Amazon S3 or S3 like implementations, Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud Storage.

It provides a simple REST API, much more simpler than usual ones, for Quarkus environments.

One of the goal is to simplify handling big InputStream files, without having to store them physically on disk or in memory, neither in client application neither in front CCS services.

To allow this, specific functionalities of Quarkus Rest services (client and server) are used, such as the possibility to send or receive such InputStream, chunk by chunk, and with back pressure control.

It might be possible to use other Http Client, but one has to take care of possible limitations of such Http SDK, such as to not send or receive from client side with all InputStream in memory.

Clone Cloud Store allows also to clone storage between various Cloud sites, even using different technologies (for instance, one using Amazon S3, another one using Azure Blob Storage):

Cloud Clone Store relies on Quarkus and other technologies:

A simplest implementation with 1 JVM (1 or more) is available without database, topic or remote sites support. It allows to test the solution with your application or to allow a smooth move to Cloud Clone Store: Accessor Simple Gateway

See documentation in HTML or in PDF here.

Information from our own SonarQube (standard configuration) is here.

Java Site (Javadoc, dependency…) is here.

Available functionalities

Missing or In Progress Functionalities

Notes of versions

0.8.0 2024/02

0.7.0 2024/01

0.6.0 2023/11

0.5.0 2023/10

0.4.0 2023/09

0.3.0 2023/07

0.2.0 2023/01

0.1.0 2022/06